Monday, September 1, 2014

Ah, September

A little music for the season
Ah, September,  watercolor, 3.9 x 9.8"
I always love when September rolls around. I make vow to savor each day, because this is also a fleeting season (please see The Fleeting Season, 5/9/14, for the Spring version.)  Setting out for a walk this morning, I noticed that leaves from our street oak tree had fallen during last night's rain. The redbud pods are browning and you can see through the green of the leaves to the golden hue which is right around the corner.
        September is a unique month, because it still very much like summer (okay, it still is summer.) In September, is as though the heat and headiness of summer is gathered in a pot and simmered and reduced until it is a tangy elixir ready to be poured over a big pile of crunchy autumn leaves in October. Enjoy it while it lasts!

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