Friday, February 8, 2019

We Are All Connected

Sunday Afternoon, watercolor/pastel, 14 x 11"
I've been working on a sort of demo-painting for an upcoming watercolor/pastel workshop and it occurs to me that my approach to making art is consistent with my concept of how the world works; in a word, together.

The underpainting in watercolor, free with plenty of overlap
I like to start with an very free underpainting and I try to hold the whole idea of the painting in my mind. Everything must interact and be part of an ensemble, not isolated. Also, values are more important than color. The values give the image credence and make the job of laying on pastel so much easier. The other thing that happens is unexpected charms which can't be planned. This is grace--to which we may always be open.
Laying on the first layer of pastel
After I am satisfied that the watercolor has spoken fully and covered the ground sufficiently, I try to lay the pastel on slowly. I am listening to the dialog between the two media. They begin to speak and to relate, just like we do in our environments. The exchange brings up new ideas and possibilities. A new perspective reveals itself and I can see where things are off-kilter or perhaps an adjusted composition is called for which was hidden with just the watercolor. Color combinations suggest themselves or the watercolor insists on having a bolder voice. Slowly, definition is defined and refined; taking into account what exists and what wants to exist.

What happens is a dance between the planned and the serendipitous. If I lose the strong-arm, the resulting painting is filled with unexpected treasure and I can call it 'good'. 

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