Thursday, March 2, 2023

The Affectionate Month


I was determined to create work around love in the month of February. The month went so fast--it is like it is a couple of days shorter than other months! On the last day, I finished my project inviting people to make a love expression to the Earth. I suggested a multi-disciplinary creative approach using Haiku writing, music and collage. The main idea, however, was to create in what ever way desired expressing affection for our common home.

The word affection really struck me. What we are thinking about is not so much a romantic chocolate and valentines relationship. It is a long term, gentle but deep love. 

Now, it is March! It is not too late to show affection for our dear Earth. I offer here two videos. The first is my invitational video. You will find ideas and inspiration here for creating your own love note and a little bit of how-to with the invitation. 

And, to follow up, I have Love Under My Feet, my personal affectionate message to the Earth. 

I hope you enjoy these videos. Enjoy the green month of March!


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